• Automatic detection of whether an application uses a private clipboard or the deskscrap was added. This removes the screen flickering from those programs which use the deskscrap for their private data, i.e. SimpleText, CodeWarrior and others. This will also improve compatibility with those programs. Microsoft products however may still have this annoying flickering.
• The interface for keyboard usage has been altered a little. You will now notice that the copy or paste action happens immediately after the number of the clip is typed even if the command key is still down. The Multipaste option becomes more intuitive by this and the general behaviour differs less from the usual clipboard usage. Likewise it is now possible to paste the same clipboard again and again without releasing the command key.
• A compatibility option for copys has been introduced. If you copy anything using the keyboard, you can type command + c + c and this double c will cause a copy without interference of CopyPaste. It will then happen, that the Palette and the menus will not show the correct entry at the default place "0", because CopyPaste does trick the program in any way to get its clipboard. This is handy for those programs which are slow while publishing their clips or which even worse would crash on a publishing request.
• If any of the modifier keys, i.e. option, cmd, shift, capslock, ctrl is pressed, then CopyPaste will uninstall itself from appearing in the Edit menu. That allows fax programs to work, in some the fax option required a hotkey to display the "Fax" command instead of "Print" command and this hotkey disables CopyPaste temporarly.
• The preferences code and a new preferences dialog with new options are completely rewritten.
• You can now choose different hot keys for both the AppSwitcher and Tag and Drop.
• The AppSwitcher now detects whether you changed to a previous program without using the AppSwitcher. When you use it again it will not show this previous program at the first place in the list, but it will show the next one from the list highlighted.
• The icons in the AppSwitcher are correct now for all color resolutions.
• The Clip Archives are now created in a separate Folder called CopyPaste Clip Archive, which will be located on the Desktop the first time its used.
• If the Palette is zoomed or called by cmd + c + click, then it will now always be entirely visible, i.e. it would be moved if you click to low or to near to the right side of the screen in order to fit on the screen.
• New buttons are located at the bottom of the CopyPaste Palette. You can use the Trash button to delete all clips. To delete the clips individally option-click on that clip.
• Many people requested the ability to load and save different sets of clipboards. We listened, now if you click the Floppy button on the CopyPaste Palette, then you are prompted to save the current ClipSet, clicking the Open Folder button lets you load an already saved ClipSet. This gives you the option of having different ClipSets which you can load at any time. This also allows you to pass ClipSets to friends who use CopyPaste and on other machines across a network. This feature is only available for registered users.
• When the Palette is in its small size (after hitting the zoom box in the top right corner), then clipboards with data will have a gray background and empty clipboards will be white. We added this indicator to let you see
which clipboards are empty or full since you can't see the data in the collapsed palette.
• Clip Recorder is a brand new feature. We call it Clip Recorder because the last 10 items copied with command c are all remembered. They are stored on a stack. Each time you use command c that clip is placed on the stack and previous clips are moved up a slot. Its easiest to see. Open the CopyPaste Palette click on the Clip Recorder (cassette icon at the bottom) and a whole new set of clips is visible. Highlight some text, do command c and you will see it appear in clip 0 of Clip Recorder, highlight some other text, do command c and you will see this new text go into clip 0 and what was in clip 0 move up to clip 1. That is how the stack works and it can be thought of as multiple levels of undo for the last 10 items you copied using command c. Clip Recorder is on all the time and separate from the Clip Extender that you have used previously. If you need something you copied 5 copies ago then you can open the CopyPaste Palette and go to Clip Recorder or you can go to the new Clip Recorder menu which can be found as a hierarchical menu under Paste in the Edit menu. It helps to read our new introduction to CopyPaste to get an overview of how this fits in with the other clipboard abilities.
• Remember: anything you copied or cut in the past is now accessible thru Clip Recorder. This includes if you used a CopyPaste tool (like uppercase) and want to return to the text before using that tool (uppercase) ClipRecorder has your previous version in its stack. You will find Clip Recorder a good friend and a convenient tool sitting in the background recording your clipboard action for later undos.
• A bug which causes a crash on some 68040 machines when touching the apple menu in the CopyPaste window was fixed.
• A bug was fixed which caused a crash on some 68040 machines after a period of heavy use of the menus. The menu display is now slightly faster.
• A bug which causes a freeze with CodeWarrior on some machines was removed.
• A bug which causes a lack of responsiveness to the cmd + c was fixed.
• The bug in MSWorks which caused the menu to stay highlighted after usage of one of the CopyPaste items is worked arround.
• The bug in PopupFolder 2.0.1 and Now Folder Menus which disabled the menu functionality of CopyPaste is worked around.
In Version 3.2.2
• A memory leak which wasted memory when the Palette was open is fixed.
• The keyboard function keys are disabled by default. You can switch them on and off in the preferences dialog.
• The floating Palette now does not miss any clicks anymore.
• If Tag and Drop is off, no Control-Clicks disappear anymore.
Version 3.2.1
• Now works with Adobe Photoshop (at least it copies)
• Now works with Illustrator
• Now works with Freehand
• Now works with Ragtime 4.0
• Now works with Star Office
• Now works with L.K.I.S.S. (Lets Keep It Simple Spreadsheet)
• Problem with type 11 crashes when deleting "All Clipboards" is solved
• Improved Application Switcher, starts with the List display and allows to cmd shift tab to switch backwards. The window now is bigger in order to display more open programs. The icon display for color monitors is improved.
• The problem with wrong data in the clipboards under certain cirumstances is solved. Now CopyPaste updates the contents immediately after a copy command.
• The submenus in Microsoft Explorer now works.
• The problem with the 1 byte 2 byte tools on Japanese systems is solved.
• Metacharacters in the menus now are displayed. (were replaced in former versions).
• If the utilities is off in the preferences, then you will find the utilities in the submenus under Cut, Copy and Paste.
• The Menusupport now works in Word 6.x including the utilities.
• Magic Menu from Alladdin now does not freeze any longer.
• The working solution for Popup Folder 2.0.1 problems is to put Popup Folder into the Extensions Folder to load it earlier than CopyPaste.
• A problem with the display of larger pictures in the CopyPasteWindow is solved
• Tag and Drop now works independent from the numbered clipboards, i.e. the default clipboard will not be overwritten by the dropped clip.
• When the System starts up you can press the mouse button to prevent CopyPaste from loading. For registered users who have a PowerPC, there is the possibility to press the option key which would force CopyPaste to load in 68k mode. This is for diagnostic purposes.
• You can call the palette by typing command + c + p.
• Repeating the command which invokes the palette will remove it. This is a fast toggle option for those programms which do not support floating windows, which means you probably would like to swich it of.
• You can use the Keyboard Function keys F2, F3, F4 for cut, copy and paste. CopyPaste waits for a number until you release the Function key. (This was a old suggestion, but I had no extended keyboard and therefore...)
• In the MenuBar of the CopyPasteWindow all types of data are listed along with the size of the whole content of the selected clipboard.
• The gray background of the floating Palette was drawn from a PICT resource which was slow and the gray was displayed ugly on some machines. Now CopyPaste uses lightning fast offscreen technics to update the Palette. The gray tone is now always calculated accurately for the machine.
• among the minor changes is the more consistent response of the preferences to the users mouseclick.
Version 3.2
• introduces a floating palette for easy access to the clipboards